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Form-Based Information Lab
Laboratório de Modelagem Baseada em Informação

Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design
The Federal University of Uberlândia - Brazil
Who we are
and what we do
The Form-Based Information Lab is a space from the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism, and Design at Federal University of Uberlândia. Founded in 2017, it replaced the 55 m² of the former Computer Graphics Laboratory II, located in Building 1i at Santa Mônica Campus. Our team explores technologies from computing, logic, math, and artificial intelligence to produce innovation in Building Information Modeling and Computer Simulations. We receive grants from several sources: CNPq, CAPES, FAPEMIG, and Eletrobrás Furnas S/A, through scholarships, equipment, and infrastructure. Write us!

What do we do?
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